This week after Robert
Mackey's visit I was playing close attention to differences between blogs and newspapers. I was reading a blog post from the
Lede which I found really interesting, entitled "Disobeying Israel's Law of Entry, for Fun". This article seemed very
relate able, even though I have never visited Israel or Palestine, I got a sense of what it was like to be there. Also, the pictures that ran with the story gave the reader a sense of how the Israeli and Palestinian women felt. The first photo depicting two women standing on the beach at night made me think how awful it must be to have to sneak around, in fear of being imprisoned for up to 2 years, just for trying to have a relaxing day at the beach. I have such admiration for the women in charge of taking groups across forbidden borders. Blog format really allows the reader to
visualize a story, where as newspapers give the news quickly, precisely, and with important details. I was trying to read more on The Israeli/Palestinian conflict, after finding this story on The
Lede, and the first thing I found was a five sentence article about a Gaza man being sentenced to death for spying. The article gives everything you need to know about the situation in as little as a paragraph, and has a very strong
lede that covers all of the basic who, what, were, etc. questions.
Becca, i'm glad you took Mackey's comments and then went and re-examined the way blogs are different from papers. the use of visuals is really an important component, for sure. Try to go a little further with what you're reading next time! B