Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bigger Personality

Personally, I can only recall reading the newspaper in its original print form a total of 10 times. I am constantly reading online publications and blogs. I enjoy blogs because even when multiple bloggers are all discussing one topic, every point of view is different depending on where in the world they live, how old they are, what they do for a living, etc.
I am constantly burying myself in the fashion world, and try to read everything that is put in front of me regarding designers, trends, fashion spreads, and shows. I receive New York Magazine’s daily email newsletter, “The Cut”, and am constantly checking the fashion and style section of The New York Times, as well as the The New York Times magazine blog and The New York Times blog entitled “The Runway”. In addition to the aforementioned I also keep a list of 25 different independent blogs bookmarked that I read weekly, if not daily. I am always striving to widen my knowledge of what is out there, and reading blogs allows me to glance into the lives of people I would never have the opportunity of actually knowing.
“The Runway”, even though it is part of The New York Times, is written on a much more personal level than the style section. It is not written by solely one person, but a majority of posts are written by Eric Wilson, who’s entries seem more like casual commentary or a conversation between friends than the style section which gives readers facts and straightforward accounts. The Times magazine blog also seems to be tuned into the specific interests and personalities of its readers. The magazine blog has special weekly posts that readers, such as I, look for specifically. Blogs also provide a place for the use of more photo stories, which depict an event in fewer words, and give the reader an image of what the bloggers are experiencing first hand.
I love picking up the newspaper and seeing stories in print, because I like saving memorable clippings and am able to look back at old favorites easily. I have noticed that when I read a newspaper I tend to read the entire article if it interests me, where as online I skim articles just to get the gist and move on to the photos. What I really like about blogs, especially The New York Times blogs, is that if you find something intriguing there is always more to be found on the same topic, and it is usually right next to what you are reading in the sidebar. In print, what you have in your hands is the information you are going to get.
It seems to me that in blog writing there is more excitement and enthusiasm on the writers’ behalf, possibly because bloggers are encouraged to share their own opinions and have much more freedom to write about whatever interests them. Newspapers seem to inform, while blogs provide insight and different points of view.

1 comment:

  1. Becca, I like your observations about Eric Wilson's column and how it differs from the style section. Still, I think you can push yourself a bit more in terms of the critical evaluation of what you're reading. Maybe next time, make yourself read some newspaper articles and deconstruct what you observe from a journalistic perspective. b-
