Sunday, October 17, 2010

Anna's Profile.

Anna Rose Kaminski’s, Russian ancestry dates back several decades; yet it is not the only place she sets her roots in. Anna calls home to three different places, Los Angeles California, New York, New York and Woodstock New York. Forced to spread her home over 3 different locations was often a struggle, but eventually allowed her to enjoy the sweeter things in life.

“One day my father left the pool heater on over night making it about 95 degrees, he decided to put bubbles in it and we a giant bubble bath”

It is memories like this that make Woodstock New York Anna’s True home. It’s the only place in the world that she can spend time with her family while enjoying nature’s beauty all at once.

Anna’s upbringing has helped her shape what she wants to achieve in life. She was attracted to Eugene Lang College because of its location in New York City, which she felt would allow her to thrive as a college student.

Fortunately for her, Anna’s older sister lives in Brooklyn so when the college student blues set in and being home sick is at its prime, she always has someone to lean on. Its a relationship like this that allows Anna appreciate not only her family but the relationship they maintain today.

Anna has only put her feet forward since becoming a college student, this summer she interned with Parallel Entertainment Company, a company which manages some of the biggest names in comedy. She is following in the footsteps of her father who as a producer and director has worked with some of the biggest names in pop culture from Paul McCartney and the Jonas Brothers to President Obama.

So what exactly is next for Anna? Well her experience working with an entertainment company taught her about the possibilities she has in the future. Anna is one of the only people I have ever meet who keeps and updates a bucket list, a list of each and everything she wants to achieve because she “kicks the bucket”. After she crosses something off her list it allows her to keep moving forward and keep achieving what she wants to achieve.

1 comment:

  1. Patrick! What happened to the strong writing of your last news story? This is full of run on sentences and bad grammar. Also some very odd phrasing and tense switching. I hate having to keep giving you bad grades! Please work on your writing. If you don't know how to begin, please, please come see me. YOur last news story, though, seemed to show you can write when you want. What's going on?

