Friday, October 15, 2010

A Profile of Patrick Nicholas

Growing up in an Irish Catholic home in Westchester, New York, Patrick Nicholas, a 19-year-old Eugene Lang sophomore at The New School, was accustomed to holding Christmas mass in his living room thanks to the numerous nuns and priests that populate his extended family.

His reddish blonde hair and freckles are a dead give away of his Irish heritage. Nicholas made his first trip to Dublin last summer, but since most of his family has lived in the United States for decades, his trip was friend oriented rather than family.

Nicholas is the only one in his immediate family to not follow in their footsteps and attend art school, his older brother, Tim, just graduated from Pratt with a degree in Cinema studies. His father who studied photography now works in the city, and his mother graduated with a degree in theatre. Nicholas is currently undeclared, but is informally following the social science track, but still entertains the idea of possibly pursuing a career in the realm of politics one day.

During the week, Nicholas balances school priorities with social get-togethers. Every Thursday night is the Jersey Shore viewing party, the location rotating every week among its patrons, sometimes falling into the lap of his Stuyvesant town apartment. Nicholas admits he is not a die hard-fan and “typically [tries] to stay away from Jersey,” unlike his Italian-American roommate, Rocco, who travels to the Jersey Shore at least once a year.

Baseball, however, is Nicholas’s true viewing passion, a pastime since childhood, he once wrote on his ongoing blog, “Everyday I curl up on the couch with some snacks and begin the ritual of watching post season ball; there is a true art to being a baseball fan from knowing the knick and knacks of the game, to memorizing every player and everything else in between, its something you must develop.”

Aside from keeping up with baseball, Nicholas spends time with his girlfriend, a constructed environment major at Parsons the New School for Design (“Hopefully I’ll get a chair soon enough…” said Nicholas). In addition to a chair, Nicholas, a self described cat-guy, hopes to adopt a cat in the near future. He has previously been the owner of only one pet since moving to the city—a warrior fish he had snuck into his dorm, before it had died of a mysterious ailment two days later.

Unfortunately this plan may have to take a back seat until his current lease is over as both of his roommates are allergic to cats. Nicholas doesn’t mind however, as he is looking forward to having his own place and when his lease is up “that’ll be the time to do it.”

1 comment:

  1. This is nice. I like the lede a lot. But then I wanted to know more about all the nuns and priests in the family!

    It's hard to do anything with ONE interview, but you went pretty far. Good work!

